5 Ways to Market your eBook on Facebook

5 Ways to Market your eBook on Facebook

In the marathon to promote your e-book, is Facebook a tool you intend to use? Before you answer, and before we discuss five ways to market your e-book on Facebook, let’s talk fact. According to Mashable, Facebook is the most popular social network for all ages. Unlike other social media networks, it knows no generation limit. Millions of potential readers frequent Facebook every day, and this trend is still active. Continue reading “5 Ways to Market your eBook on Facebook”

20 Tips for Creating Compelling Copy

20 Tips for Creating Compelling Copy

So you have a website. Perhaps it’s a personal blog. Perhaps it’s a page for your product or service. Maybe you’re trying to build an audience for something big. At this stage in your content creation journey, I’m sure your biggest question is, “How the hell am I supposed to get people to read my copy?”

Creating compelling copy for your website or blog is no small feat. However, it can be done. And perhaps it’ll be easier than you think! So buckle in and hang tight because we’re going to bring you not five, not 10, not even 15…but 20 tips for creating compelling copy! Continue reading “20 Tips for Creating Compelling Copy”

5 Reasons to Outsource Copywriting

5 Reasons to Outsource Copywriting

Writing is a powerful way to connect with your audience and show them who you are. While we may have exciting concepts and an urge to express them, we do not all possess the same mastery of the written word. You have great ideas, content, or products you want to share with the world, but you need to communicate in a way that will hook your readers. You want to sell your brand and your vision to others in the best way possible. For this very reason, you are doing yourself a favor by investing a little extra money in outsourcing your copywriting needs. Continue reading “5 Reasons to Outsource Copywriting”

Using Social Media to Market an eBook

Using Social Media to Market an eBook

Marketing your product is a tough job. And it’s even harder for artists, who are more suited to a free form, intuitive work style. How is such an individual – a writer, perhaps – who is used to less than conventional ways of doing things to sit down and focus on a strategy for showcasing their work to the masses when all they want to do is move on to the next project (or take a well-deserved respite)? Continue reading “Using Social Media to Market an eBook”

Using Scripted Videos to Draw in Your Audience

Using Scripted Videos to Draw in Your Audience

Words are great. I love words. In some ways, you could say they are my life. But there is something to be said about the old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Is this to imply visuals trump words? I wouldn’t say so at all. The two work together, hand-in-hand, to create something that fully immerses us, engaging our imagination. Separately they are powerful but when joined we receive something completely different.

In today’s world, where information is so readily available at the tips of our fingers, we have access to so many sites and so many blogs. How does one stand above the crowd?  Continue reading “Using Scripted Videos to Draw in Your Audience”

Junk SEO – 5 Things You Need to Know

Junk SEO – 5 Things You Need to Know

You know what I hate? Sugarcoating and BS. Don’t sugarcoat. Give it to me straight. Don’t bullshit me – ever – because I’ll take my business elsewhere. In the race to stake a claim to one of the coveted top spots on Google search, though, you have to wade through a figurative flood of junk SEO, better known as SEO BS. Continue reading “Junk SEO – 5 Things You Need to Know”

What is Copywriting?

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is a word all too often confused with copyrighting. We see inquiries where a potential client would like more information about our copywriting services, but somehow the word copyrighting gets into the mix. A sizeable chasm spans the rift between the act of copywriting and copyrighting. Just what is copywriting and how does it differ from copyrighting? Let’s find out! Continue reading “What Is Copywriting?”

5 Effortless Ways to Make Your Content SEO Friendly

5 Effortless Ways to Make Your Content SEO Friendly

One of the primary goals of online content is to nail search engine optimization (SEO). There are a metric ton of websites, fly-by-night companies, and SEO-based companies that want you to think it takes money to rank on search engines. And they would be wrong. We’re here to tell you two things: SEO doesn’t have to cost you money, and it doesn’t have to be confusing. In fact, we’re going to share five effortless tips you can use to make your content SEO friendly. Continue reading “5 Effortless Ways to Make Your Content SEO Friendly”